Home Canning Guide: Food Preservation Benefits

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This 404-page home canning guide resource highlights the importance and money-saving benefits of canning fruits and vegetables at home. You will learn how to make the most of your garden's productive bounty.

The details..

Written by Ola Powell, this book provides readers with an essential guide on how to properly preserve their food products through canning, drying, brining or preserving. The author highlights the significance of applying scientific principles throughout every step of the process while maintaining sanitary conditions for optimal success rates.

The responsibility of conserving supplies of food rests heavily upon women and girls who have been presented with a wonderful opportunity for service in aiding production as well as conservation not only for home consumption but also commercial exportation especially during times like these when there's increased demand due to economic instability.

Powell stresses that it is imperative not only to produce and conserve supplies but also select the most economical means possible which makes eanning one such method worth considering. This publication offers detailed information on how best to apply science-based methods in achieving successful preservation outcomes.

Overall Successful Canning & Preserving is an excellent resource material suitable for schools clubs or personal use at home. With 164 illustrations included within its pages alongside four colored plates this comprehensive handbook will provide you with all you need from start-to-finish.

Resource Info

Page count: 404
Size: 13037kb
File Type: pdf
Hits: 1


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